Every male dreams of it. A nice lean hard body, bulging with muscles as far as the eye can grasp. That is a great fantasy huh. Just think out of it. All the girls checking you out. Rubbing on your ripped stomach, squeezing your biceps, and gazing at your amazing chest. Sounds great doesn’t it. But that is a far stretch from your reality. Many men have been told many myths about how to gain weight. This article looks to shed some light on how you can gain weight in the areas that you want, get idea about your bit. Gaining muscle is very simple if you just follow these three simple things. Those three things are training, eating and resting. That’s it. Mind boggling huh? I promise if you follow these three simple things you will be on your way to your fantasy body in no time. Lets go into more detail about this three components shall we.

The first thing you must do if you want to gain quick muscle is to train. In particular free weight training. If you are looking to pack on a lot of lean muscle in a short period of time, then those free weights are going to become your bosom buddy for awhile. Make sure if you are training with free weights that you do not try to get fancy. Stick to the basic movements and basic training for each body part. Also, it is important that you stick to one or two body parts a day. Do not make the mistake and go to your local gym and try to work every muscle in one day. You want be back the next day if you do this.
Now that you have started your training, you are going to have to fuel your body. I can’t begin to tell you the countless times I’ve seen the same scrawny people that have been training faithfully for years, but haven’t gotten any bigger since the day they stepped into the gym. A lot of people miss this key element when trying to gain muscle quickly. You need to eat and not only that you need to do it often. Your body needs protein to build muscle. On an average, you need to eat at least 1 gram of protein per your body weight a day. So if you are 100 lbs, then you need to 100 grams of protein a day. Not only do you need to consume protein, you need to also consume carbohydrates. You need to eat at least three times your body weight in carbohydrates. This can be easily obtained by eating every 2-3 hours. You should also take a protein shake when you wake up in the morning and before and after you workout. I know exactly what your are thinking. Man that’s a lot of food. I don’t get that hungry. Trust me your body will start getting hungry every 2-3 hours if you start doing this. This is great for those who have a hard time gaining weight.

If you really want to see your muscles grow fast you need to make sure you get plenty of rest. This step is just as important as the first two. Without rest, your muscle will not get the recovery they need to grow. You should always rest at least 1-2 minutes between every exercise you do, and you should at least give each body part a day break from working out. If you work your chest one day, work your back the next. You also need to get plenty of sleep. If it is possible, try to take a nap in the middle of the day. This will help you grow greatly.
Gaining muscle is hard work, but can be done quickly if you apply the dedication and the discipline of these three things. You can gain muscle and have that body that others would kill for.