To be a truly effective massage therapist, you will want to have a good line of massage supplies. You want to be ready for any kind of massage your client could want. Plus, you want things to be easier for you. There are many supplies that you can get. Not all are necessary, but many of them are quite helpful.
Massage Supplies for Greater Ease
It is a good idea to own a holster. This is a little apron that you tie around your waist. It holds your lotions, oils, creams, and anything else you may need. For instance, if you also do facials and eyebrow waxing, you could keep tweezers inside. This type of supply exists to assist you. You want to make sure that the majority of the time is spent with your hands on the client, not with you running back and forth grabbing more lotion.

One of many massage supplies out there that benefit the therapist more than the client is a stool. This is a relief, since most of the time you will be standing during your workday. However, if you are doing a facial or a foot massage, you can sit down and give your legs and back a rest. Being a massage therapist, you should know how much strain you put on your body when you stand all day. Just by being able to sit once in a while, you do your body a huge favor.
Other wonderful massage supplies are carrying cases. These are especially handy if you have business where you make house calls. You don’t want to try and carry all your supplies separately. A really good case will hold your portable table, a head rest, and some lotions. Many even have extra pockets for a receipt book, or whatever extra things you may need, visit website :
Portable Massage Chairs
Portable massage chairs are ideal for the practice with little space or that travels to exhibitions. The popularity of massage therapy has reached new highs over the past decade–more and more people are beginning to understand the science behind what used to be thought of as an enjoyable procedure.
Massage chairs are ergonomically designed to put clients at ease while keeping them in a semi-upright position. There is a headrest that allows people to recline face-forward to prepare for therapy. These chairs also assist with spine adjustments and other therapeutic procedures. They can be moved in and out of treatment rooms with ease and can be adjusted to meet a variety of patient needs. These features make the portable chair an ideal piece of equipment for most rehabilitation practices.
Characteristics of a Desirable Chair

Good chairs are easy to set up and very lightweight. Some have one piece designs, while others are composed of multiple pieces. When selecting a chair, look for a chest cushion to ensure the chair is comfortable for the patient. Headpieces should also be adjustable, able to handle multiple positions.
Portable massage chairs should still offer full access to a patient’s cervical, thoracic, lumbar and shoulder regions. Chairs that are designed and built properly will have special seat angles that place the patient in a way that his or her lumbar region will be relieved of strain during treatment. There are a number of accessories available for portable massage chairs, including face rest covers, carrying cases, and desktop portals.