Mosquitoes are one of the most common insects to bite people, and they can carry life-threatening diseases like West Nile and heartworm. Therefore, as a dog owner, you want to protect your furry friend from these pests. However, human insect repellents such as DEET and Picaridin are not safe for use on dogs. The chemicals in these products can cause severe side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and seizures. Dogs should never lick the treated area.
Citrus oil extracts are safe to use around people and pets
Essential oils are highly concentrated liquid extracts of plant matter. They are typically distilled using one of two methods: mechanical expression and steam distillation. Mechanical expression uses tiny needles to pierce the fruit rind and extract the oil. The results are decadent-scented oils that can be applied to skin or added to a cocktail. Citrus oil extracts are safe to use around people and pets, but they are not good for the environment.

While Essential Oils are safe to use around people, they are not necessarily safe for pets. Many commonly used Essential Oils can be harmful to your pet’s chemosensory, nervous, respiratory, and metabolic systems. Hydrosols, on the other hand, are generally regarded as safer alternatives. However, if you have a particular pet, you may want to avoid using Citrus oil extracts altogether.
DEET is safe to use in bug spray on dogs
Many spray products for dogs contain DEET, an insect repellent. Although it’s perfectly safe for humans, it may cause allergic reactions in dogs. Some dogs may develop itchy skin after a single application. Overexposure can occur if DEET is used repeatedly or often. Therefore, it’s best to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your pet’s bug spray. Ingestion of small amounts of DEET is unlikely to result in any symptoms, although the animal should be monitored for two to four hours after application.
Most bug sprays and mosquito repellents contain DEET. Although this chemical is safe for humans, it’s toxic to dogs. In fact, it can be deadly for dogs if licked off. Instead, look for pet-friendly options that don’t contain DEET, or those that contain other, more effective ingredients that have been approved by a veterinarian. Dogs can exhibit symptoms of toxicity by excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty walking, and seizures.
Other natural insect repellents
There are many different repellents for dogs, including some that are not only safe for dogs but are also effective at keeping mosquitoes away. Dogs are not known to get Zika, but they can get West Nile and heartworms. The best insect repellents for dogs are those that are made specifically for use on dogs. However, there are also some that are not safe for dogs.
One such product is diatomaceous earth. This natural repellent is non-toxic and safe for both dogs and children. It works by deterring biting insects and dries out adult bugs. This product is also non-toxic and safe to use on sensitive dogs. It is also an effective deodorant. For your dog, you can spray this on its legs. It will keep mosquitoes and other biting insects away for several hours.